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The Japanese language program started at Lucas Primary School in 2023 and all Grade 1 to 6 students in the school participate in one 60 minute lesson per week.

Japanese lessons focus on having fun and developing Japanese knowledge, understanding and skills by participating in a variety of tasks and activities such as singing songs and playing oral, written and electronic games. Games are always exciting for students and are a fun way to build students’ teamwork, respect and responsibility.

All students use Japanese proficiency scales to identify their learning goals, track their progress and achieve success. Senior students complete a project at the end of every term such as creating a speech, a poster and a role play. Presentations are shared within the class, with parents and the school community to celebrate achievements.

Learning topics are carefully chosen and they are based on inquiry learning with a focus on literacy and numeracy. Other curriculum areas, such as Visual Arts, are incorporated into the Japanese program, which enables students to experience the vibrant culture of Japan.

learning japanese