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learning literacyAt Lucas Primary School, our literacy program is based on the Victorian Curriculum covering the areas of Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening. We have a strong focus on literacy learning and believe it is essential that all students have the opportunity to achieve their best in this priority area.

The school’s Instructional Model provides the framework for high quality, consistent practice in all classrooms, incorporating evidence based high impact teaching strategies. Clear learning intentions and success criteria are developed for all lessons, with explicit teaching provided at students’ point of need. Data is collected and used to provide a differentiated program ensuring challenge and support for all learners. Students in all year levels have reading and writing goals they are continually working towards to maximise their learning growth. Feedback and reflection are important elements of all lessons.

In reading, teachers explicitly teach a range of reading strategies to enable students to read and comprehend texts of increasing difficulty, with accuracy and fluency. Reading Evidence Books are used by students to record their thinking and further develop their reading skills.

In writing, students learn to plan, write, edit and publish a variety of text types to entertain, inform and persuade. They develop their knowledge of spelling, grammar and punctuation through focussed teaching, and learn to create texts with confidence. Structured lessons are implemented in all literacy areas incorporating teacher modelling, focus groups, conferencing and independent practice.